Monday, 1 April 2013

Barbie Jogger

If Sigmund Freud read my blog, he would argue that my love for plastic, jelly, see-through (omg I've been using the word transparent for so many years I'd forgotten the beautiful, frank simplicity of that term) and colour pop clothing is essentially all down to one thing. A childhood repression of desire for Barbies.
As a child, I wanted to be a boy: play with cars and eat mud and sleep with girls...(Only joking...or am I...) and anything with pink, flowers or a skirt I treated like a leper. But deep within me lay a secret desire to play with my sister's barbies. Comb their luscious locks, help them into their bubblegum pink polo necks and lime green slacks, squeeze their permanently made up squeezy faces and force them into akward sex positions. `And thus, I repressed my desires and, as anyone who knows anything about the catholic church knows, the lust was only locked up to breed and breed until it erupted through the most unhealthy of outlets. Shopping.
Whether your a dedicated Nikki Minaj fan with a juvenile obsession with plastic dolls and the colour pink, or one of those people who cover up their lack of personality with kitsch and irony, you cannot deny the genius vulgarity of this hip'n'trendy Barbie Jogger.

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